Pattern of Development Used: NARRATIVE 

“People are searching in a more targeted way, which gives us the impression that people have a better idea of what they want are searching for,” said Rachakonda.

The New Year is a time when many make resolutions. It is a commitment that an individual makes to a project or the reforming of a habit often a lifestyle change that is generally interpreted as advantageous. This 2017, I am looking forward for effective ways of changing my life for the better and that change must start from ourselves.

On January 1st, I desire to better myself as a person and improve my life like most people do. I need to stop myself for being lazy because this is the biggest barrier that keeps most people from reaching their goals. I need to put in a lot of effort to change this bad habit. I need to improve my concentration and meet new people because when we get stuck in a rut, we will be missing out on a lot of interesting opportunities for having fun. I need to become more confident and take some chances. Having a good dose of  self-confidence will help us lead a much happier life overall. Don’t hesitate to get some input on ways to boost your confidence. This 2017, I also need to reduce my stress because this is the biggest killers of life, and it can have a very destructive effect on your relationships, as well as your health. Eat fewer calories that’s my goal this year, there are many reasons why most of us should set a resolution of eating fewer calories. The most obvious reason is to lose weight. After all, carrying excess weight puts us at a greater risk of a whole range of serious health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. With all of the contradictory information out there on what to eat, sometimes it’s hard to decide what to do when you want to lose weight. I try to keep things simple. When I want to lose weight, I just eat less. I recommend you do the same. If you gained weight in 2016, resolve to eat smaller portions in 2017 at the same time I need to maintain the positivity of myself and the attitudes that I have that made me succeed in some ways and my trust towards God should also progress and the way I worship him.

It is usual for one to improve oneself and one’s life. However, it is noteworthy when one really tries to do it and it is exceptional when someone actually accomplishes it. This exercise, one gains, not only the betterment, but also an overall positive feeling of self empowerment and satisfaction. As a further bonus, one may have some fun while getting there. In order to achieve these things I need to become more responsible and patient. I need to act not just talk and also believe that you can. Make Things Happen!

Author: jakewoodblog

Senior High School Student. Journalist. TV/Radio Broadcaster. Knows how to act, sing and dance. Resilient. Family-oriented. Mindanao-an. Camiguingnon. My personality is something that does not change which makes me unique and special. As for me, I am a responsible and sympathetic person, however, I am a goal-centered person.

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